Attention Homeschooling Parents!    

To Empower Your Teen
For A Bright Future...

As a homeschooling parent we know you're seeking more than traditional education for your teenager. The standard high school curriculum doesn’t cover critically important skills teens need to manage themselves well after they leave. But we’ve got you covered! Our Teen Life Coaching Course is a groundbreaking program designed to empower your teen with the essential life skills they need to navigate their journey with confidence, resilience, and purpose.

Enroll Your Teen Now!

My name is Loree Bischoff. When I reflect on my high school days, my thoughts are never anything like:

  • “I love how positive and confident I felt in school.”
  • “Wow, those classes where I learned so many important things that helped me shape my life were invaluable.”
  • The emphasis placed on the importance of having high standards and creating a sound value system was mind-blowing!” 
  • “Golly-gee, it was wonderful how everyone was so supportive and interested in helping me learn how to set goals and manage stress and emotions.” 🙄

Nope. Nothing even close to that, or any other fundamentally essential things a teenager should know that would positively support their journey into young adulthood. 

Suggestions for developing self-confidence, self-respect, goals, logical action steps, healthy relationships, time management strategies, or learning to cultivate good mental and emotional health NEVER occurred.  

Here’s what does come to mind when I think back: Opportunity squandered!

No — I’m not talking about me. I’m talking about the opportunity those last couple of years in high school had to uplift and empower me and the other students who were on the cusp of transitioning to the next phase of our lives. 

Don’t get me wrong — my goal here is not to demonize anyone. After all, teachers are there to teach the curriculum. And therein lies the problem—the void in the curriculum. 

Feeling strongly about the fact that there is a big gap between what our youth are being taught via a typical high school curriculum and the emotional skills, mindset, and self-confidence needed to feel good about themselves and their futures, I, along with my colleague, developed a course dedicated to helping teens by bridging that gap. 

Today’s teenagers are growing up faster due to being exposed to much more information at earlier ages than previous generations. 

Are they being underserved by not being equipped with the mental, emotional, and practical skills they require to navigate the current landscape of choices, social media, and potential negative influences? 

I believe they are. We have a generation of youth vulnerable to “slipping through the cracks.” 

Finding this to be completely unacceptable, we created something to help them - something that provides a missing link in the average curriculum. A tool that stays with them beyond high school. 

The Teen Life Coaching course is that tool. 

I’ve been a professional life coach for 16 years. Like you, I once was a teenager. I also raised two teens who are adults now. If I had a course like this available to me when my kids or I were in high school, I would’ve been all over it! 

If you’ve read this far, I assume you are a parent, and you love your teen and want to give them everything you can to ensure their wellbeing and that they have what they need to create a life they feel good about.

Good on you! 🙌


Welcome to “Teen Life Coaching” (aka TLC), a transformative life coaching course exclusively designed for high school-age students. Life can be a maze of challenges, opportunities, and uncertainties, especially during those formative years. This course is here to provide them with the tools, insights, and guidance they need to navigate this exciting chapter of their life with confidence and purpose. 

What’s Inside the Program


This course is divided into seven meticulously crafted modules, each designed to guide your teen through a step-by-step learning process. These modules are their roadmap to mastering their self and crafting their future.


Learning by doing is our motto. Throughout the course, your teen will encounter a variety of hands-on exercises that will reinforce their understanding and challenge their knowledge. These exercises are designed to make their learning experience dynamic and enjoyable.


We believe that learning should be fun and rewarding. That’s why we’ve included bonus activities that will not only deepen your teens knowledge but also provide exciting incentives for their progress.

Before I started the TLC course, I was feeling kind of lost. I was just going through the motions every day because I felt like I had to. Even worse, I had started to lose my passion for a lot of the things I loved.

But taking this course was like finding a guiding light. I discovered a new strength in myself that allowed me to be kinder to myself and recognize my own worth. I was pleasantly surprised by how honest I became with myself about my feelings and my potential for improvement.

I really appreciated how relatable and relevant everything in the course was. The idea that our lives aren't defined by what happens to us but by how we react was eye-opening. The section on emotional fitness was extremely helpful for me in learning to not be so paranoid or allow anxiety to build up.

One of my favorite parts of the course was the vision board exercise. It was really fun and helped me understand how to create a successful one. An unexpected bonus was it also helped me understand my worth.

The TLC course has been a transformative journey for me and I'm excited about the positive changes it's brought to my life.

Kansas M, age 16

I was facing some pretty significant challenges with my studies. It was a struggle and I needed some help.

One of the main benefits from doing the TLC course was the improvement in my mental health and mental fortitude. I learned the invaluable lesson that I could actively encourage myself to be both mentally and physically healthy.

Another cool benefit was discovering that I could control my thoughts! This newfound ability gave me a sense of control over my life that I had never experienced before.

Something that really surprised me was my own level of commitment and engagement throughout the course. It was like a switch had been flipped and I became invested in my own growth and development.

This course was instrumental in helping me overcome my study challenges and improving my mental well-being. It taught me how to be more mentally and physically healthy, how to take control of my thoughts, and it brought out a commitment in me that I didn’t know I had. It also had the unexpected benefit of assisting me to effectively express my needs and improved communication with my  parents. It was an overall win for everyone in my home, just by sharing what Ive learned.

Naim W, age 16

Our Core Modules


In Module 1 your teen will delve deep into understanding their self-image, learn to build self-confidence, boost self-esteem, address issues like bullying, and ways to become the best version of themselves.


Module 2 is all about the connections they have with others. We'll explore their relationship with their self, their family, friends, and their relationship with money. Building healthy and meaningful relationships is crucial, and this module will provide insights and strategies to nurture them.


In Module 3 we tackle the art of motivation and goal setting. Your teen will learn about the power of motivation and we'll introduce them to the concept of SMART goals – a powerful framework for achieving their dreams and aspirations.

Emotional Wellbeing

Emotions play a vital role in our lives. Module 4 is dedicated to your teen’s emotional wellbeing. We'll explore emotional fitness, strategies for managing emotions effectively, and the importance of empathy in building strong connections with others.

Forming Healthy Habits

Wellbeing is closely tied to habits. Module 5 guides teens in forming healthy habits, including taking care of their physical health, setting high standards for themselves, engaging in regular physical activity, making mindful choices in their eating lifestyle, and practicing self-appreciation.


Mindset Matters

Our mindset shapes our reality. Module 6 is all about the power of mindset. We'll explore how mindset influences one’s life, ways to shift from a victim mentality to owning choices, and the transformative impact of "I am" affirmations.

Laying Foundations

In Module 7 we focus on building a strong foundation for life. Your teen will define their personal morals and values, explore essential character traits, and craft their personal constitution – a blueprint for their future success.


Life coaching for high school students goes beyond grades. It’s about equipping them with practical life skills that lay the groundwork for a fulfilling and successful future. By investing in them now, you’re investing in the person they’ll become — someone strong, self-aware, able to handle life’s ups and downs and navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

The TLC course is like a toolkit for life. When your teen embarks on this journey, they’ll gain insights from experienced life coaches. The things they will learn and the skills they’ll develop in this course aren’t just for high school; they’ll help them throughout their entire life.

Get ready for your teenager to discover, grow, and create their future with renewed inspiration. Remember, their journey is unique, and this course is designed to celebrate that uniqueness while providing them with the tools they need to succeed. TLC is here to guide and inspire them on their journey, helping them become the best version of themselves.


By the end of the program your teen will master:


Discover their values, passions, and unique qualities that make them who they are. Understand their strengths and areas for growth to make informed decisions.


Learn how to set meaningful and achievable goals, whether they’re related to academics, personal development, or future careers.


Develop a growth mindset with an eye towards the future and self-improvement. Internalize the truth that they can always learn new skills and improve talents.


Gain the skills to make well-informed decisions by weighing options, considering consequences, and aligning choices with their values.


Explore techniques to boost and sustain their motivation, helping them stay focused on their goals even when faced with obstacles.


Master effective time management techniques to balance their studies, extracurricular activities, and personal interests without burning out.


Build belief in their self and overcome self-doubt, empowering them to pursue their dreams without fear of failure.


Develop strategies to manage stress, handle pressure, and maintain their wellbeing during demanding times.


Enhance communication skills to express their self confidently, resolve conflicts, and foster healthy relationships.


Understand the importance of self-care, mental wellbeing, and physical health. Learn strategies for maintaining a balanced lifestyle that nurtures both their mind and body.


Our Core Modules


In Module 1 your teen will delve deep into understanding their self-image, learn to build self-confidence, boost self-esteem, address issues like bullying, and ways to become the best version of themselves.


Module 2 is all about the connections they have with others. We'll explore their relationship with their self, their family, friends, and their relationship with money. Building healthy and meaningful relationships is crucial, and this module will provide insights and strategies to nurture them.


In Module 3 we tackle the art of motivation and goal setting. Your teen will learn about the power of motivation and we'll introduce them to the concept of SMART goals – a powerful framework for achieving their dreams and aspirations.

Emotional Wellbeing

Emotions play a vital role in our lives. Module 4 is dedicated to your teen’s emotional wellbeing. We'll explore emotional fitness, strategies for managing emotions effectively, and the importance of empathy in building strong connections with others.

Forming Healthy Habits

Wellbeing is closely tied to habits. Module 5 guides teens in forming healthy habits, including taking care of their physical health, setting high standards for themselves, engaging in regular physical activity, making mindful choices in their eating lifestyle, and practicing self-appreciation.

Mindset Matters

Our mindset shapes our reality. Module 6 is all about the power of mindset. We'll explore how mindset influences one’s life, ways to shift from a victim mentality to owning choices, and the transformative impact of "I am" affirmations.

Laying Foundations

In Module 7 we focus on building a strong foundation for life. Your teen will define their personal morals and values, explore essential character traits, and craft their personal constitution – a blueprint for their future success.

Before I embarked on this journey, I was grappling with various challenges and uncertainties, both in how I viewed life and in dealing with personal issues. I was stuck in a constant state of self-doubt, always feeling the pressure to be constantly working towards something, or else I was wasting my time.

However, the TLC course has been a true game-changer for me. It helped me gain a carefree-like confidence, something I never thought I could achieve. I learned the art of discernment, knowing what to take seriously and what not to take too seriously. This program encouraged me to take a step back, reevaluate my priorities, and understand what truly mattered in my life.

One of the most profound lessons I learned was the importance of values in everyday life. It provided me with the tools to solidify aspects of my mindset that needed reinforcing and the wisdom to recognize those that needed change. I also became more patient with the natural flow of things in my life.

In summary, this course has been a catalyst for personal growth. It helped me gain confidence, clarity, and a deeper understanding of what truly matters. Besides learning better ways to work towards something, I learned about working towards becoming a better version of myself.

Oh - and since finishing the TLC course I’ve become a chef as well as a sommelier and now work in a high-end restaurant!

Greyson B, age 19

“Hope is not a strategy, but the TLC course is."

- Loree Bischoff



Complete access to all 7 video modules [VALUE: $2999]
24 exercise activities for comprehension and action implementation [VALUE: $1999]
3 Bonus activities to inspire going above and beyond [VALUE: $499]
Lesson plans for instructor or parent guidance [VALUE: $399]
For those who prefer their teens spend less time working online you have the option to purchase TLC course workbooks!
TLC Course workbooks in addition to all of the above
TLC Course workbooks only (no online access)
Yes, I Want To Make This The Greatest Year Of My Teen’s Life!

“Hope is not a strategy, but the TLC course is."
- Loree Bischoff

Ready to Invest in Your Teen's Future?

Enroll in the Teen Life Coaching Course today and set them on a path to lifelong success. Choose the plan that's right for you.

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TLC Course Online Includes Workbooks

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Facing challenges like trying to find a job and navigating a rough family dynamic was tough. I felt lost and overwhelmed, unsure of how to move forward in life.

I enrolled in the TLC course and it was a turning point. This experience has been nothing short of transformative. I gained wisdom and discovered my strengths. It opened my eyes to the importance of planning for my future and becoming a better person overall.

One of the most significant changes was becoming more emotionally fit. I learned how to manage my emotions and handle difficult situations with resilience. The course taught me not to rely on a victim mindset but to take control of my life.

This program has been instrumental in helping me overcome my challenges and gain clarity about my life's direction. After my freshman year I changed my major and I believe going through the TLC course gave me the confidence to make that change!

This course taught me it's not just about finding a job or dealing with family dynamics; it's also about personal growth and becoming a better person.

Ethan R, age 17

Before I started the Teen Life Coaching course, I was dealing with two major challenges: struggling to make friends and feeling overwhelmed by stress.  

This course was a turning point for me. It has made a significant impact on my life. The most noticeable change was my improved self-esteem. I started feeling better about myself, which gave me the confidence to connect with people and make new friends. It was like a whole new world opened up for me. 

The course also taught me to be more positive. I learned how to shift my mindset and focus on the bright side of things. This change in perspective has made a huge difference in my life. 

I think the most practical skill I learned was how to manage stress better. I discovered techniques that helped me stop stress and anxiety from snowballing. Learning these tools has been great for me! 

This course really helped me overcome my challenges, boost my self-esteem, be more positive and tackle stress head-on. It helped me develop the confidence to look for a part-time job. I actually ended up with two, long-term, part-time jobs! I highly recommend the TLC course to any teenager facing these kinds of struggles.

Andrew R, age 15

Before I enrolled in the TLC course, I had these internal battles with myself. Feeling like I was at war with myself was taking a toll on my self-esteem and happiness. But this course helped me with my confidence and I started to be able to control my internal battles. A big change was how I began to give myself compliments and genuinely started to like who I am. This course taught me to appreciate and love myself.

Emily S, age 15

What Parents Are Saying 

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Enroll your teen in the Teen Life Coaching Course…

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Meet 0ur Coaches

Your Expert Guides to Teen Empowerment

Loree Bischoff

Loree Bischoff is a Master Life Coach & Nutritionist, with multiple certifications in life coaching and holistic nutrition. She proudly holds a Strategic Intervention Coach Certification from Robbins-Madanes Training - the foremost life coach training program in the world and the official life coach training of Tony Robbins.

John Morris

John Morris is the Coach for the Creative Mind. He's a former youth minister and has worked in a variety of fields including drug addiction along with various mission activities. John has also coached and worked with those coping with long term health issues, anxiety, depression and day-to-day living issues.

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TLC Course Online Includes Workbooks

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TLC Course Online Includes Workbooks

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